Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Cronies in Politics

OK, so you like the candidate. You campaign for him. You make the calls. You contribute to his/her election and you expect nothing in return because you did it for the good of the country--at least that's what you were telling everyone, right? Well, if the truth be told, the campaigner who devotes himself to the election of someone is not doing it for totally selfless motives. No campaigner in his right mind would say that he'll work his tail off for the candidate and forgo all remuneration, benefits, perks, etc. associated with a win.

I have no clear solution but just now I brainstormed and how about this: after the election, all cronies have to wear a lapel pin that symbolizes that a, they campaigned for the incumbent and b, they were hired by the incumbent or by a higher-up crony.

What would be the purpose of this scarlet letter? Well, they would have to be willing to wear something that says they got hired--at least in part--by virtue of who they knew. This, I think, would keep them honest. We, the people would know that so and so was a crony hire. If they did something wrong, we would know who not to vote for in the next election. Anyone hiring someone and not admitting that it was a crony hire would be subject to impeachment/dismissal and heavy fines.

Cronyism is a bad thing and is encouraged by elected officials because the top man needs some people to be his eyes and ears but why can't they be hired like anyone else. Just have them take an oath of alligiance to the official. This would ensure that we minimize the possibility of ending up with the likes of Mr. Brown of Katrina infamy. If you campaign for someone, you should do it because you believe that person is best for the country not because it's going to land you a cushy job. Your reward should be that you helped get the right person elected. Have the official publish a document listing all whose help was instrumental.

Now, what to do with a re-election. There are no cronies to work on the re-election. Would those who worked their butts off do it again for the the gipper? Perhaps the public should pay them for their compaign effort. Why not? It sure beats years of salary to someone whose only real and documented skill is public relations and advertising. (If cronies are hired, keep them in those fields).

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