Friday, July 18, 2014

How cannabis causes paranoia [But never, ever, of and by itself]

"The results don’t necessarily have any implications for policing, the criminal justice system, or legislation." says the article in

Sure they do. They tell us how effective that element of our society is in instilling fear in the population. This study should have had a parallel study in Amsterdam or elsewhere where pot is legal, imo, as it
may not have helped that the researchers were licensed to use it. Also,
I don't know what the environment was like for the subjects but I'm
sure it wasn't at an out-of-the-way park or at a college coffee house
playing Pink Floyd in subdued lighting--situations where I've found minimal paranoia.

My paranoia was at its highest when I toked surreptitiously as a beginner. Now that I know how prevalent it is in the vast majority of neighborhoods and now that I take it orally (sans odor), I hardly have any paranoia--it also helps that my initial paranoia has trained me to keep clear of bastard Nixon's drug war. Now, they need to do a study to determine if pot causes stupidity for to what degree have I , by this post, encouraged a drug war lieutenant to come a-calling? Is my once dependable paranoia failing me?

[digression alert--(another pot effect, btw)

Has Nixon helped Americans by opening up trade with China? There are serious pros and cons to bringing so many people into the techno age but I guess if a country stays within its borders and doesn't engage in intrigue as we've so often done and as we need to stop doing (NO HILLARY ARTILLARY FOR ME), no real harm is done. I have full confidence in U.S. brain power that we can find ways to do without China's rare earths, btw. This really belongs in a post at "ThePowerStruggle," I know, but the subject is too complex for me and I don't have the motivation (lol).